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In the Community

Hope Centre

Mon – Fri 9.30am – 4pm,

Sat 9.30am – 1pm
Hope Pantry, The Hideaway

The Hope Pantry is still going strong in The Hideaway. Anyone struggling with food costs right now can call in, register as a member and shop there each week. Using the pantry weekly will save you £60-£100 per month in food and essentials. If you’re not sure what it’s about, just pop into the Hideaway and ask. 

Community Quiz Night

Saturday 9th July, 7.30pm
People’s Church, Chapel Lane

Free community quiz night. Chip barms, music and lots of banter. No need to book, just turn up. 

Men Shed 

Fridays 10am
Meet at Hope Centre, Wood Lane

Every Friday morning a group of lads and chaps meet informally to build, dig, grow, fix things and drink tea. They would love you to join them. For more info email or call/text 07464 791311

Digital support

Hope Community Cafe, The Hideaway

If you need to use a tablet or laptop, you can pop into the Hideaway, sit in the Hope Community Café anytime and borrow a tablet free of charge. The team can also help with printing or forms if you’re struggling. The Hope Centre also has a huge stock of free SIM cards on all major networks for anyone needing 6 months’ free data or minutes. Any questions, just call in.

Dunham Massey Trip

Friday 4th August, 10.30am – 3.30pm    

Accessible visit to Dunham Massey. A minibus will pick up people from outside Partington Library & Wellbeing Centre at 10.30am and will drop off again at 3.30pm. Bring your own picnic lunch to enjoy. To book contact Jasmine on 07516 008838.

Carers Group

Mondays 10.30am-12.30pm 
Health and Wellbeing Centre, Central Road

If you’re a carer, a new service at the Health and Wellbeing Centre can provide extra support through a dedicated group. 0161 848 2400

Tech Chucker Trial

6 sessions at a time to suit you
The Hideaway or Hope Centre

For any resident that hates or can’t use technology, 6 free sessions at your pace to give it a go. Free meal every time you try it, and £20 voucher when you complete 6 sessions! Call Darren on 07464 791311

Hope Green Gardening support

Available daily

The Hope Green team support residents with looking after their garden, where possible using volunteers to help one-another out. If you need garden support or would like to help, email Hope Green 
or call/text 07947 905531

Knit and natter

Wednesday 9.30am - 12pm

People's Church, Chapel Lane

Drop-in for a chat, learn to knit and make new friends. 

Girls’ Night Out

Every last Friday, 7.30pm from 29th Sep
The Hideaway, Partington Shopping Centre

All women (14+) are welcome to join us for this new regular event. Great food, glass of bubbly(18+!), games, pamper stuff, an inspiring real life guest story and time to catch up with friends and make new ones.

The Bread and Butter Thing

Tuesdays 1.30pm – 2pm
Hope Centre, 49 Wood Lane

TBBT is moving locations to the Hope Centre, 49 Wood Lane every Tuesday at 1.30pm. TBBT provides residents with bags of food each week for a nominal set fee. To find out more text 07860 063304 for info.

Alpha Course

Wednesdays 7.30pm from 13th Sep
People’s Church, Chapel Lane

The Alpha Course is for anyone wondering about what life or Christianity is really all about. Chance to discuss, debate, share your views and listen to others over food.

Summer Tea in the Garden

Tuesday’s 10am – 2pm

from 31st July – 29th August
Partington Methodist Church

Annual garden tea events, open to all to drop in and enjoy a cuppa and the garden. 

Citizens Advice weekly drop-ins

Monday 10am-1pm Health and Wellbeing Centre
Monday 1.45pm-3.30pm Hope Pantry, The Hideaway

No appointment needed. Just turn up and speak to the advisor. 

Mens’ Night Extra

Every 2nd Friday, 7.30pm from 8th Sep
The Hideaway, Partington Shopping Centre

The popular Dads’ Night Out have an extra regular event for all men of all ages. Social night with food, games and inspiring real life guest story.

Health and Fitness

Freedom Football Holiday Camp

Forest Gate Academy week 1 and 2, 
The Fuse week 3-6 of summer holidays
9am – 3pm (8.15am early drop off available)

Football summer camps for children. Subsidies and discounts available for multi-weeks. Book at 

Mixed Ability Pilates

Tuesdays 6-7pm
Partington Old School Hall

Fit 92, 12 week course

From 25th Sep, 6-7.30pm
Hope Centre, 49 Wood Lane

Free 12 week healthy lifestyle course from Foundation 92. For more info contact 07512 322801 or email

Greater Manchester Taekwondo

Peewee classes, Junior Classes, Adult Classes

Make new friends, get healthier, make new friends. Contact Daley Richardson for more information 07341 842992 or email

Keep Fit Sessions

Mondays 2-3pm
Partington Community Centre

£2.50 per session, meet others and have fun keeping fit together

Sherenades Dance Troupe

Wednesdays from 5.30pm
Partington Community Centre

New dance troupe for girls. Gain confidence, get fit, make friends. 

TCF*C Summer activities

Saturday afternoon from 29th July – 26th August
Swimming every Tues & Thur 1st – 31st Aug
Partington Leisure Centre

Free for local young people, meal provided. Email for more information.

Children and Youth

Love Partington Family Activities

People’s Church, Chapel Lan

Tues 25th July, 11am – 2pm – Animal Day
Farm animals and small creatures to handle.
Tues 1st Aug, 11am – 2pm – Adventure Day
Rock climbing, archery, axe-throwing, U5s assault course.
Tues 22nd Aug, 11am – 2pm – Entertainment Day
Circus Frank show and chance to try circus skills.
Tues 29th Aug, 11am - 2pm – Fun Day
Inflatables, rides, games, activities.
All events are totally free for all and no booking needed – just turn up, free meals for children can be pre-booked if required. 

Early Risers under 5’s play session

Mon-Fri 8.30–10am from Mon 24th July–Fri 1st Aug
The Hideaway, Partington Shopping Centre

Play session just for little ones through the 6 week holidays, Pay What You Can entry and breakfast available in the café. 

Toddler Play n Stay

Fridays 10am – 11.30am
Partington Early Help Hub, Central Road

Weekly session for parents with children 0-5 years. Call 0161 9122122 to book your place. 

Parent Carer Chatty Cafe

4th Thursday, 10-12am from 28th Sep
Hope Community Cafe, The Hideaway

Meet Trafford’s SEND advisor for support and advice.

Family help and advice


If you are struggling with parenting, feel as though you’re not getting anywhere with help and need someone to listen, advise and refer you to the right services for the help you need, book a cup of tea with our dedicated family supporter worker Claire.

Summer Hideasessions

Wed and Thu, 2-6pm through 6 week holidays
The Hideaway, Partington Shopping Centre

Free play sessions and meal for local children under 11 at The Hideaway. Booking required. Adult meal available for £2.50.

Baby Club Play n Stay

Mondays 1-2.30pm
Partington Early Help Hub, Central Road

Baby club for parents with a 0-12m baby. 
Call 0161 9122122 to book your place. 

Dad and Kids visit to Dunham Massey

Saturday 2nd Sep, 10am
Meet at Dunham Massey entrance

Guided nature walk by a ranger with free drinks and food provided by Dunham Massey. Lifts available from Partington (free parking at Dunham included). Contact for info or register at 

Starting Strong SEND course

Wednesdays 12.30pm and 6pm from 6th Sep
6 Sessions
Hope Centre, 49 Wood Lane

The Family and Counselling Centre are providing 6 free sessions for parents of children aged 5+ who are displaying Special Needs behaviour but not accessing other support.

Partington Grub Hub

Thursdays 5-7pm
Partington Youth Club

Free games, activities and food every week for local children and young people. 

Partington Summer Camp

Mon-Thu 10am-2pm, July 31st – Aug 24th
Partington Youth Club

For children aged 5-16, 4 weeks of free summer camp activities brought to you by Didsbury FC. Info and booking is at or email 

School Uniform

Hope Pantry, The Hideaway Mon-Sat 9am – 4pm

New and pre-loved school uniform including logo’d uniform for all local schools is available from the Hope Centre and Hideaway at all times. Everyone is welcome to pop in and get what they need. Donations are welcome. If extra help is needed with coats, shoes etc. contact the Hope team to book an appointment. or call 0161 6600299

Our Club SEND Holiday club

Drop-off session – Mondays 2.30pm – 5.30pm
Family session – Tuesdays 2.30pm – 5pm
The Hideaway, Partington Shopping Centre

Dedicated play session and free meal for children with Additional Needs and their family. 

Who Let the Dad’s Out?

Saturday 12st August, 9am – 10.30am
The Hideaway, Partington Shopping Centre

Play session with free breakfast for all local dad and carers and kids under 12. Just turn up. 

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